NC State
Construction Safety Laboratory

Alex Albert
Assistant Professor and Director
Dept. of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at NC State University. I am also the Director of the NC Construction Safety Laboratory. My research focuses on addressing safety challenges experienced in the construction industry.

My research group has openings for qualified and motivated students interested in developing creative safety solutions for the construction industry. A limited number of financial assistantships are available.


Awards, Recognition, and Honors

  1. 2016 Outstanding Reviewer, Journal of Construction and Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
  2. 2016 Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award Nominee, Graduate School, North Carolina State University.
  3. 2015 Outstanding Reviewer, Journal of Construction and Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
  4. Thank a Teacher Program (2016) recognition for teaching excellence (CE 466: Building Construction Engineering), Office of Faculty Development, NC State University.
  5. Thank a Teacher Program (2015) recognition for teaching excellence (CE 761: Design of Temporary Structures), Office of Faculty Development, NC State University.
  6. New Scholar (2015), Construction Industry Institute (CII)
  7. 2014 Second Best Paper Award, Construction Research Congress (CRC), Atlanta, GA.
  8. 2013 Best Paper Award, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) – 120th Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, GA.
  9. 2013 Best Paper Award, International Conference for Research and Innovation and Building Construction, (CIB) W099 Conference, Singapore.


Journal Articles (Click on article title to gain access)

  1. Albert, A., Hallowell, M.R. and Kleiner B.M. (2017) “Empirical measurement and improvement of hazard recognition skill.” Safety Science, 93(1), 1-8.
  2. Albert, A. and Hallowell, M.R. (2017) “Modeling the role of social networks on hazard recognition and communication.” Pract. Periodical on Struct. Design and Constr., ASCE, 22(4), 04017016.
  3. Tixer, J. P. A., Albert, A., and Hallowell, M.R. (2017) “Proposing and validating a new way of construction hazard recognition training in academia: A mixed-method approach.” ract. Periodical on Struct. Design and Constr., ASCE, 23(1).
  4. Jeelani, I., Albert, A., Gambatese J. (2016). “Why do Construction Hazards Remain Unrecognized at the Work Interface.?” Journal of Constr. Eng. Manage., 143(5), 04016128.
  5. Jeelani, I., Albert, A., Azevedo, R., Jaselskis, E. J. (2016). “Development and Testing of a Personalized Hazard-Recognition Training Intervention.” Journal of Constr. Eng. Manage., 143(5) 04016120.
  6. Namian, M., Albert, A., Zuluaga, C. M., Jaselskis, E. J. (2016). “Improving Hazard-Recognition Performance and Safety Training Outcomes: Integrating Strategies for Training Transfer.” Journal of Constr. Eng. Manage., 142(10), 04016048.
  7. Namian, M., Albert, A., Zuluaga, C. M., Behm, B. (2016). “Role of Safety Training: Impact on Hazard Recognition and Safety Risk Perception.” Journal of Constr. Eng. Manage., 142(12), 04016073.
  8. Arroyo, P., Fuenzalida, C., Albert, A., Hallowell, M. R. (2016). “Collaborating in Decision Making of Sustainable Building Design: An Experimental Study Comparing CBA and WRC methods.” Energy and Buildings, 128, 131-142.
  9. Albert, A., Hallowell, M.R., Lingard, H., and Kleiner B.M. (2015) “Multiple baseline testing: An experimental method for drawing causal inferences in construction engineering and management research.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 141(7), 04015012.
  10. Albert, A., Hallowell, M.R. and Kleiner B.M. (2014) “Enhancing construction hazard recognition and communication with energy-based cognitive mnemonics and safety meeting maturity model: A multiple baseline study.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 140(2),
  11. Albert, A., and Hallowell, M.R. (2013) “Safety risk assessment for transmission and distribution line work.” Safety Science, 51(1), 118-126.
  12. Albert, A. and Hallowell, M.R. (2013) “Revamping occupational safety and health training: Integrating andragogical principles for the adult learner.” Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 13(1), 128-140
  13. Albert, A., Hallowell, M.R. and Kleiner B.M. (2014) “Emerging Strategies for Construction Safety and Health Hazard Recognition.” Journal of Safety Health and Environmental Research, 10(2), 152-161.
  14. Albert, A., Hallowell, M.R., Kleiner B.M Chen, Ao., and Golparvar-Fard, M. (2014) “Enhancing construction hazard recognition with high fidelity augmented virtuality.” Journal of Construction Engineering and management, 140(7), ASCE, 04014024
  15. Albert, A., Hallowell, M.R. and Kleiner B.M. (2014). “Experimental Field Testing of a Real-Time Construction Hazard Identification and Transmission Technique” Construction Management and Economics, 32(10), 1000-1016.
  16. Tixer, J. P. A., Hallowell, M.R., Albert, A., Boven, L.V., and Kleiner B.M. (2014) “Psychological antecedents of risk-taking behavior in construction” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 140(11), 04014052.