Journal Articles
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- Jeelani, I., Albert A., Han K., Azevedo, R. (2018) “Are Visual Search Patterns Predictive of Hazard Recognition Performance? Empirical Investigation Using Eye-Tracking Technology.” Journal of Constr. Eng Manage., 145(1).
- Zuluaga C.M., Albert, A. (2018). “Preventing falls: choosing compatible Fall Protection Supplementary Devices (FPSD) for bridge maintenance work using virtual prototyping.” Safety Science 108, 238-247.
- Jeelani, I., Han, K., Albert, A. (2018) “Automating and scaling personalized safety training using eye-tracking data” Automation in Construction, 93, 63-77.
- Jeelani, I., Han, K., Albert, A. (2018) “Automating Analysis of Construction Workers Viewing Patterns for Personalized Safety Training and Management.” ArXiv preprint.
- Zuluaga C. M., Albert, A., Arroyo, P. (2018) “Protecting Bridge Maintenance Workers from Falls: Evaluation and Selection of Compatible Fall Protection Supplementary Devices.” Journal of Constr. Eng. Manage., 144(8).
- Namian, M., Albert, A., Feng, J. (2018). “Effect of Distraction on Hazard Recognition and Safety Risk Perception.” Journal of Constr. Eng. Manage., 144(4).
- Albert, A., Hallowell, M.R. and Kleiner B.M. (2017) “Empirical measurement and improvement of hazard recognition skill.” Safety Science, 93(1), 1-8.
- Albert, A. and Hallowell, M.R. (2017) “Modeling the role of social networks on hazard recognition and communication.” Pract. Periodical on Struct. Design and Constr., ASCE, 22(4), 04017016.
- Tixer, J. P. A., Albert, A., and Hallowell, M.R. (2017) “Proposing and validating a new way of construction hazard recognition training in academia: A mixed-method approach.” ract. Periodical on Struct. Design and Constr., ASCE, 23(1).
- Jeelani, I., Albert, A., Gambatese J. (2016). “Why do Construction Hazards Remain Unrecognized at the Work Interface?” Journal of Constr. Eng. Manage., 143(5), 04016128.
- Jeelani, I., Albert, A., Azevedo, R., Jaselskis, E. J. (2016). “Development and Testing of a Personalized Hazard-Recognition Training Intervention.” Journal of Constr. Eng. Manage., 143(5) 04016120.
- Namian, M., Albert, A., Zuluaga, C. M., Jaselskis, E. J. (2016). “Improving Hazard-Recognition Performance and Safety Training Outcomes: Integrating Strategies for Training Transfer.” Journal of Constr. Eng. Manage., 142(10), 04016048.
- Namian, M., Albert, A., Zuluaga, C. M., Behm, B. (2016). “Role of Safety Training: Impact on Hazard Recognition and Safety Risk Perception.” Journal of Constr. Eng. Manage., 142(12), 04016073.
- Arroyo, P., Fuenzalida, C., Albert, A., Hallowell, M. R. (2016). “Collaborating in Decision Making of Sustainable Building Design: An Experimental Study Comparing CBA and WRC methods.” Energy and Buildings, 128, 131-142.
- Albert, A., Hallowell, M.R., Lingard, H., and Kleiner B.M. (2015) “Multiple baseline testing: An experimental method for drawing causal inferences in construction engineering and management research.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 141(7), 04015012.
- Albert, A., Hallowell, M.R. and Kleiner B.M. (2014) “Enhancing construction hazard recognition and communication with energy-based cognitive mnemonics and safety meeting maturity model: A multiple baseline study.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 140(2),
- Albert, A., and Hallowell, M.R. (2013) “Safety risk assessment for transmission and distribution line work.” Safety Science, 51(1), 118-126.
- Albert, A. and Hallowell, M.R. (2013) “Revamping occupational safety and health training: Integrating andragogical principles for the adult learner.” Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 13(1), 128-140
- Albert, A., Hallowell, M.R. and Kleiner B.M. (2014) “Emerging Strategies for Construction Safety and Health Hazard Recognition.” Journal of Safety Health and Environmental Research, 10(2), 152-161.
- Albert, A., Hallowell, M.R., Kleiner B.M Chen, Ao., and Golparvar-Fard, M. (2014) “Enhancing construction hazard recognition with high fidelity augmented virtuality.” Journal of Construction Engineering and management, 140(7), ASCE, 04014024
- Albert, A., Hallowell, M.R. and Kleiner B.M. (2014). “Experimental Field Testing of a Real-Time Construction Hazard Identification and Transmission Technique” Construction Management and Economics, 32(10), 1000-1016.
- Tixer, J. P. A., Hallowell, M.R., Albert, A., Boven, L.V., and Kleiner B.M. (2014) “Psychological antecedents of risk-taking behavior in construction” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 140(11), 04014052.